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As initiator, coordinator or implementer, we are involved in a wide range of regional, national and international projects and programmes.  Due to our energy knowledge and expertise, our position as the hub of the international energy network and our organisational strength we are able to build strong collaborations and we launch successful projects.

So what are the outcomes?

Often the projects we work on, and the outcomes remain restricted to the view of the researchers, project partners and other stakeholders involved. What does it actually yield, the research, the pilots, the living labs? What remains? All projects in one way or another contribute to developments, innovations and policy. That too is not very tangible. One of the projects we are working on, Making City, produced a video that makes what happens in a long-term project and what it delivers, insightful. Check it out:

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Demonstrating the integration of a first industrial-scale renewable hydrogen production facility in south-eastern Europe.


Learning necessary skills and ensuring adequate manpower in the energy sector through North Sea Island cooperation.

North Sea Hydrogen Valley Ports

Developing hydrogen programmes from the ports of Brest, Esjberg, Bremen and Den Helder into concrete roadmaps.

Citylogistic 2.0

Development of an innovative, intelligent and sustainable urban distribution system in the city network of partner cities Oldenburg (D) and Groningen (NL)

Fieldlab Waterstof in Agri

Developing a physical hotspot for hydrogen innovation in the agricultural sector where businesses, knowledge institutions and governments come together.


The LIHYP (Linking Hydrogen Power Potential) project brings together hydrogen supply and demand and stakeholders and offers opportunities for future collaboration.

AI Hub Northern Netherlands (NNL)

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence AI in the energy transition


Next Generation Batteries based on Understanding of Materials Interfaces


Cooperating European Hydrogen Valley regions to push production, transport and implementation of hydrogen to the next step


Zero emission in the Port of den Helder using hydrogen for transport over road and the Dutch Wadden Sea.

Green Hysland

Establishing a fully-functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem on the island of Mallorca (Spain) making the island into Southern Europe’s first H2 hub.