Green Hysland

Establishing a fully-functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem on the island of Mallorca (Spain) making the island into Southern Europe’s first H2 hub.
The Green Hysland project focuses on developing a green hydrogen ecosystem in Mallorca, producing green hydrogen from solar energy , developing infrastructure for distribution and demostrating end uses in the island’s tourism, transport, industry and energy sectors, including gas grid injection.
Project time: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2025
Budget: €9.999.999,50
Subsidiser: Clean Hydrogen Partnership (formerly Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking)
Grant programme: Horizon 2020
Grant agreement number: 101007201

The Green Hysland project accelerates the energy transition by demonstrating the integration of green hydrogen into various sectors, such as energy, industry, and transport. helping to decarbonize the island’s economy. By doing that, it aims to reduce up to 20700 tons of Co2 emissions. The project provides a roadmap for full decarbonization of the econcomy in the balearic islands by 2050, creating a replicable model for other islands in europe and beyond , and supports Europe’s net-zero goals while reducing reliance on fossil fuels and increasing renewable energy penetration.
Our role
New Energy Coalition contributes to the realisation of an H2 Roadmap for Mallorca and the Balearic Islands to 2050 and a blueprint for the replication of H2 ecosystems to other EU island territories and beyond. In addition, We have a role in communication and dissemination activities. Finally, we aim to make the connection with the HEAVENN project that we coordinate.
In addition to New Energy Coalition, the consortium includes the following partners: ENAGAS RENOVABLE, ACCIONA S, REDEXIS, EMT Palma, CALVERA Hydrogen, Ayuntamiento de LLoseta, Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares, COTENAVAL, BALEARIA, Institut Balear de l’Energia, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Aragon Hydrogen Foundation (FHa), Centro Nacional de Hidrogeno (CNH2), Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2), Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), ENERCY, HyEnergy Consultancy Limited (HYE), HyCologne, FEDARENE, National University of Ireland Galway, European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Gasnam, University of La Laguna – Tenerife, Energy Co-Operatives Ireland Limited (ECI), AREAM, Ameland Municipality Network of Sustainable Greek Islands (DAFNI), Chilean Hydrogen Association (H2 Chile) and Moroccan Hydrogen Association (Association Marocaine pour l’Hydrogène et le Developpment Durable – AHMYD).
For questions about the project, please contact:
This project received funding from Horizon 2020 from Clean Hydrogen Partnership (formerly Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking) under No 1010007201. This page reflects the views only of the author and Clean Hydrogen Partnership is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.