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Drivers of Change

Drivers of Change

New Energy Coalition

With climate change accelerating, the energy transition is more urgent than ever. A successful energy transition requires new, clean energy sources and systems.

New Energy Coalition wants to contribute to this – we are ‘Drivers of Change’:

  • as a network organisation (100+ partners and members) we drive collaborations, exchange knowledge, do (inter)national advocacy for the energy region of the Netherlands and set the agenda for current issues in the energy transition,
  • as centre of expertise, we develop research, innovations, practical applications and activities with impact on the region.

Innovation & Research

The Energy transition is more than just technical innovation. It involves legal, spatial, social and other issues. Companies, institutions and governments gain knowledge about these issues by doing research together. Sharing research results and how to apply innovations are necessary for a successful energy transition. In our Research and Innovation programme, New Energy Coalition’s main focus is on System Integration and Green Molecules.


We believe in open innovation! Innovations that lead to real progress are the result of open collaborations.

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Focusing on social, legal and other issues arising from technical innovations.

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