Connecting hydrogen supply, demand and stakeholders.
The LIHYP (Linking Hydrogen Power Potential) project initiates opportunities to accelerate the market introduction of hydrogen applications, leading to regionally connected H2 value chains in the North Sea region. Using regional pilot projects in member North Sea countries and the creation of H2 Roadmaps, LIHYP will use an international market platform to bring together hydrogen demand, production and supply from now until 2030 and increase the potential for future cooperation.
Start date: 31.5.2023
End date: 31.1.2027
Funding (percentage): 60%
Total cost: EUR 4,896,419 approx. 5 Mio
LIHYP brings hydrogen supply & demand and stakeholders together and offers opportunities for future collaboration. The project initiates opportunities to accelerate the market introduction of hydrogen applications, leading to connected regional value chains in the North Sea region.
The project will realise several hydrogen use pilots, such as hydrogen cargo bikes, hydrogen goods trains, hydrogen bus stations and living labs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany. A hydrogen platform marketplace in the North Sea region will be established to connect stakeholders and a solid database from now until 2030 for hydrogen demand, production and supply will be created. Several business model roadmaps will help entrepreneurs, investors and governments plan for hydrogen in the North Sea region. Together, all partners will take the first steps towards cross-border system integration for hydrogen infrastructures, harmonisation and standardisation.
Our role
New Energy Coalition is lead partner and coordinator of the project.
Kiwa technologie B.V, Groningen Airport Eelde, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Provincie Drenthe, Hydrogen Valley, Cemtec Fonden (DK), Eurowind Energy (DK), Oldenburger Energiecluster OLEC e.V. (DE), DLR (DE), Universiteit Oldenburg (DE), Energie HUB Emsland Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (DE), Bentheimer Eisenbahn (DE), Athene Kom, Gmbh (DE), Bremer Mineralölhandel BMÖ (DE), WaterstofNet (BE), P&E Lowlands (BE), Urban Waterways logistic ( UWL) (BE), Centre de conseil et d’innovation en logistique (Cirque), (FR), Institut du Droit International des Transports (IDIT) (FR), Communautaire Urbaine du Havre ( FR)
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