North Netherlands as a Living Lab for innovations shared logistics and mobility
The overarching goal of the SMiLES project is to set up a Living Lab to study open-sharing networks and develop innovative business and organisational models for this purpose to enable efficient, effective and zero-emission transport.
- Project duration: 1-12-2019 – 31-12-2024
- Budget: €3,000,000
- Grant provider: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management, the National Organisation for Applied Research (SIA) and the Top Sector Logistics.
- Grant programme: Sustainable Living Labs
- Grant number: 43918459

This project focuses on improving logistics processes through open-sharing networks based on the architecture of the ‘Physical Internet’. In these systems, stakeholders can share tasks (transport orders), resources (vehicles, staff, 3D printers), information (data, algorithms), space (infrastructure, buildings) and responsibilities (contracts, risks, rights, liabilities). Open-sharing networks can increase the efficiency of mobility, thereby reducing transport emissions, and it also allows, for example, sharing of risks between companies.
Our role
New Energy Coalition is contributing financially and in-kind to this project proposal, including by connecting its network to this project and contributing knowledge and experience on energy-related opportunities for using open-sharing networks to valorisation panels and discussion tables.
Besides New Energy Coalition, the following parties are also involved in the SMiLES project:
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Qbuzz Openbaar Vervoer, Koopman Logistics Group, Arriva Passenger Transport Nederland, Bidfood, Wagenborg, Suikerunie, KPN, Natuur & Milieu, Province of Groningen, Municipality of Groningen, Groningen Bereikbaar, Port of Lauwersoog, Horus Viewing and Exploring BV, New Generation Shipyards, OV bureau Groningen Drenthe, Vinturas, 5Groningen, Hanzehogeschool and Noorderpoort.