Integrated Energy System Analysis (completed)

Developing models for better insights in future integrated energy systems.
To develop, improve and implement available models in order to provide better insights in the linkages and interactions of future integrated energy systems with increasing shares of intermittent renewables in the electricity supply.
Start date: 1 January2018
End date: 1 January 2022
Funding (rate): M€1.339 (73%)
Total costs: M€1.831
It is to be expected that variable and uncertain energy sources such as wind and sun will have a considerable share in electricity generation. Integrating this intermittent generation will require increasing levels of flexibility in both supply from other sources and from demand, a flexibility that will not only be provided within the electricity system but which can also be found in other parts of the energy system, such as in gas supply and demand and in the provision of heat for both space heating and for agriculture and industrial processes.
Understanding the possible interlinkages and interactions between the different parts of this increasingly integrated energy system (such as gas, electricity, heat) will be vital in order to be able to make the right investment decisions on, among others, infrastructure, energy production and spatial planning, to design policies and regulation which will provide the right incentives and to allow flexibility to be used from within the whole energy system. This will also require insights in the transition path itself, in the possible ways in which the energy system can evolve towards a future low-carbon system. The object of this research program is to provide insights in the linkages and interactions of future integrated energy systems with increasing shares of intermittent renewables in the electricity supply.
Our role
We are responsible for monitoring and reporting project progress and deliverables to the project consortium and funding organisations. We also provide support in communicating project results.
Deliverables (December 2022)
Journal papers
Fattahi, A., J. Sijm, and A. Faaij (2020): A systemic approach to analyze integrated energy system modelling tools: A review of national models; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 133 (2020) 110195.
Fattahi, A., M. Sánchez Diéguez Manuel, J. Sijm, G. Morales-España, and A. Faaij (2021): Measuring accuracy and computational capacity trade-offs in an hourly integrated energy system; Advances in Applied Energy, 1 (2021) 100009.
Fattahi, A., J. Sijm, M. van den Broek, R. Martínez Gordón, M. Sánchez Diéguez, and A. Faaij: Analyzing the techno-economic role of nuclear power in the Dutch net-zero energy system transition; Advances in Applied Energy, 7 (2022) 100103.
Maruf, M., G. Morales-España, and J. Sijm (2022): Classification, potential role and modelling of power-to-heat and thermal energy storage in energy systems: A review; Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53 (2022) 102553.
Morales-España, G., R. Martínez-Gordón, and J. Sijm (2022): Classifying and modelling demand response in power systems; Energy, 242 (2022) 122544.
Sahoo, S., J. van Stralen, C. Zuidema, J. Sijm, C. Yamu, and A. Faaij (2022): Regionalization of a national integrated energy system model: A case study of the northern Netherlands; Applied Energy 306 (2022) 118035.
Sahoo, S., C. Zuidema, J. van Stralen, J. Sijm, and A. Faaij (2022): Detailed spatial analysis of renewables’ potential and heat: A study of Groningen Province in the northern Netherlands; Applied Energy, 318 (2022) 119149.
Sánchez Diéguez, M., A. Fattahi, J. Sijm, G. Morales-España, and A. Faaij (2021): Modelling of decarbonisation transition in national integrated energy system with hourly operational resolution; Advances in Applied Energy, 3 (2021) 100043.
Sánchez Diéguez, M., F. Taminau, K. West, J. Sijm, and A. Faaij (2022): High technical and temporal resolution integrated energy system modelling of industrial decarbonisation; Advances in Applied Energy, 7 (2022) 100105.
Sánchez Diéguez, M., A. Fattahi, J. Sijm, G. Morales-España, and A. Faaij (2022): Linear programming formulation of a high temporal and technological resolution integrated energy system model for the energy transition; MethodsX, 9 (2022) 101732.
Detz, R., F. Lenzmann, J. Sijm, and M. Weeda (2019): Future role of hydrogen in the Netherlands – A meta-analysis based on a review or recent scenario studies; TNO report P11210, Energy Transition Studies, Amsterdam.
Sijm. J., L. Beurskens, M. Marcidi, R. Niessink, M. Scheepers, K. Smekens, A. van der Welle, and H. de Wilde (2020): Review of energy transition scenario studies of the Netherlands up to 2050; TNO report P12095, Energy Transition Studies, Amsterdam.
Journal papers (under review/forthcoming)
Fattahi, A., F. Reynès, B. van der Zwaan, J. Sijm, and A. Faaij (2022): Soft-linking a national computable general equilibrium model with a detailed energy system model; Submitted to Energy Economics (under review).
Sahoo, S., J. van Stralen, C. Zuidema, J. Sijm, and A. Faaij (2022): Regionally integrated energy system detailed spatial analysis: Groningen Province case study in the northern Netherlands; Submitted to Energy Conversion and Management (under review).
Sahoo, S. et al. (forthcoming): Regionalized energy system model validation with stakeholders’ interaction: Groningen Province analysis in the Netherlands (work-in-progress).
Sánchez Diéguez, M. et al. (forthcoming): IESA simulation model of the energy system (working title; work-in-progress).
Reports (forthcoming)
Hajonides van der Meulen, T. et al. (forthcoming): Energy transition pathway analysis method using optimization modelling – A Groningen case study (work-in-progress).
Sijm, J. et al. (forthcoming): Integrated Energy System Analysis (IESA); Final ESTRAC-IESA report.
Conference/paper presentations
Fattahi, A. (2022): Soft-linking a national computable general equilibrium model with a detailed energy system model; Presentation at the 40th International Energy Workshop (IEW), Freiburg, Germany, May 25-27, 2022.
Sahoo, S. (2019): Identification of (spatially) explicit parameters for energy-related sectors in the context of the Netherlands; Presentation at EERA Modelling workshop, TU Delft, the Netherlands, May 16-17, 2019.
Sahoo, S. (2021): Energy system modeling analysis for regional planning and policy-making – a case study of Groningen Province in the northern region of the Netherlands; Presentation at the 16th SDEWES International Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 10-15, 2021.
Sahoo, S. (2022): Detailed energy system modeling of a district heating network on a provincial level – a study of Groningen Province in the northern Netherlands: Presentation at the 8th SES International Conference, Denmark, September 13-14, 2022.
The organisation below are partners of this project:
TNO, University of Groningen, EBN, NAM, Gasunie & GasTerra.
Contact details
Pim Frederix is involved in the project. If you have any questions regarding the project, feel free to contact him.