Participation Center (completed)

Research Centre for Citizen Participation in Energy Transition.
The Participation Centre connects research and practice (NGOs, policymakers, public and private organisations) in the field of participation in climate change, the energy transition and other social issues. The centre also creates and disseminates this knowledge.
- Project duration: 01/11/2020 – 30/06/2024
- Budget: €248,985
- Funding: New Energy Coalition Research Programme

The energy transition is like a complex puzzle where each piece has to fit together, including community acceptance. In this regard, the participation centre stresses the importance of involving and informing people about new energy projects, such as installing heat pumps or building large electrolyzers near residential areas to avoid resistance and ensure the success of the project. Finally, effective public participation is seen as a crucial factor for the success of energy projects.
Our role
New Energy Coalition is responsible for organising events aimed at disseminating research results and further expanding the knowledge network. We also contribute content wherever possible by providing knowledge and expertise on citizen participation, funding applications and connecting private and public parties.
The Participation Centre is a collaboration between New Energy Coalition, the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, associate professors Goda Perlaviciute and Lorenzo Squintani of University of Groningen.