
HyDelta removes the barriers holding back hydrogen scale-up.
HyDelta is a research programme that addresses the question of how hydrogen can be transported safely, efficiently, and in the most socially optimal way within the Dutch energy system.
Project duration: 1-1-2021 – 31-10-2024
Financing (percentage): public (46%) – private (54%)
Budget: €6.415.724
Grant provider: TKI Nieuw Gas / PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2023-HyDelta

HyDelta is a public-private national research programme aimed at removing barriers to the large-scale implementation of hydrogen in the Netherlands and, in particular, the safe integration of hydrogen into the existing gas transport and distribution infrastructure. The research results are publicly available so that society as a whole can benefit from the insights generated in this research programme.
Our role
New Energy Coalition is lead partner and coordinator of the project. We also carry out various tasks on social and economic aspects of the transition from natural gas to hydrogen transport and distribution.
Gasunie, Netbeheer Nederland, KIWA Technology BV (KIWA), Nederlandse organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO), DNV, New Energy Coalition (NEC), Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Hanze)
Summary HyDelta
HyDelta 1.0
The start of an overarching research programme towards a hydrogen economy in the Netherlands. The main focus of HyDelta 1.0 can be summarized as follows:
- Hydrogen safety
- Hydrogen in the gas grid
- Value chain & hydrogen admixing
The project resulted in a total of 42 publications including the research results.
HyDelta 2.0
The followup programme of HyDelta 1.0 directed towards taking away barriers in upscaling hydrogen. The main focus of HyDelta 2.0 can be summarized as follows:
- Economic aspects of the hydrogen system
- Hydrogen safety in the gas grid
- Hydrogen and transport assetss
- Social & environmental aspects of hydrogen
The project has a total result of 26 publications including the research results.
HyDelta 3.0
The followup programme of HyDelta 2.0 directed towards taking away barriers in upscaling hydrogen. The main focus of HyDelta 3.0 can be summarized as follows:
- Asset management – on hydrogen gas quality and the reuse of offshore infrastructure
- Economy and society – on the rollout of (temporary) self-sufficient hydrogen regions, to relieve grid congestion, for example, and how revenues and risks can be shared
- Emissions – on the greenhouse effects of hydrogen and the role of ammonia
- Preconditions – on unit standardisation, digitalisation, the hydrogen infrastructure manufacturing industry and spatial layout
- Technology and safety – on recommendations for safe handling of hydrogen in the energy network