ESTRAC/Transforming Regions closing conference

The research project ESTRAC/Transforming Regions develops a ‘real practice based methodology for regional energy transition’ aiming to support the most important stakeholders in decision making on regional energy transition. The methodology is developed based on several cases, of which one set of cases focuses on the built environment and another set of cases is directed at the industrial environment.
Over the past 4,5 years, researchers from University of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences and TNO have worked together on energy system analysis as part of the Energy System Transition Centre (ESTRAC, founded with Gasunie, EBN, GasTerra, NAM and PBL).
Now that the final research track “Integrated Energy System Analysis”) is coming to an end, we’d like to invite you to our final conference, where we will look back at what we’ve learned with the involved researchers and project leaders Jos Sijm (TNO) and André Faaij (TNO/RUG).
Various energy system scenarios have been reviewed and tested in an open-access optimized energy system model for the (Northern) Netherlands, with specific results for the cities of Groningen and Emmen. This model can be used to techno-economically and spatially integrate large-scale demand response, green hydrogen, nuclear power etc. to reach a decarbonized energy system in built environment or industrial cluster regions. See project information.
Date: Thursday 1 December 2022
Time: 13:00 – 17:00 h
Location: Zernike Campus Groningen
Programme Dec 1 | |
13.00 | Opening by Pim Frederix (New Energy Coalition) |
13.05 | Introduction to ESTRAC and IESA by dr. Jos Sijm (TNO) |
13.20 | The Netherlands energy transition from an integrated system analysis perspective by Manuel Sanchez Dieguez and Amirhossein Fattahi (UG) |
14.15 | Break |
14.40 | Integrated analysis of a regional energy system transition: the case study of the Province of Groningen by Somadutta Sahoo (UG) |
15.10 | Practical application with RES Groningen stakeholders of regional energy transition pathways using regional-OPERA model by Thomas Hajonides van der Meulen (TNO) |
15.40 | Transforming regions: Industrial clusters by dr. Hans Meerman (RUG) |
16.10 | ESTRAC Conclusions and discussion on impact of the results for the (Northern) Netherlands led by prof. dr. André Faaij (TNO, UG) |
16.25 | Closing and drinks |
Location | Energy Academy Europe building, 5159.0010 (ground floor), Nijenborgh 6, 9747AG Groningen |
Public transport recommended (bus stop Nijenborgh), parking at Zernike P6 (10 min walk) or sign-up required |
For more information please contact Pim Frederix.