Wilma Mansveld new chair Supervisory Board New Energy Coalition

As of January 1st Wilma Mansveld (59) will be installed as the new chair of the Supervisory Board of New Energy Coalition. She succeeds Max van den Berg, who is stepping down. ‘We are very pleased with our new chair – these are big shoes to fill after Max, who has led the development of our organisation with great dedication. With Wilma Mansveld, we welcome a chairperson with the appropriate standing, knowledge and experience,’ says director Marieke Abbink. Mansveld is director of Veiligheidsregio Groningen (‘Safety Region Groningen’, overarching public organisation for risk and safety). Previously, she was Secretary of State for Infrastructure and the Environment in the Dutch Rutte II-government, member of the Provincial government of Groningen Province and Secretary of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER-NN).
Van den Berg, former Queen’s Commissioner for Groningen Province, has been an ardent advocate and a driving force of a new energy future for the Northern Netherlands since the beginning of this century. He played a decisive role in the creation and development of New Energy Coalition. He will conclude his term as chairman of the Supervisory Board on 1 January.
Pouwels succeeds Pijlman
A further changing of the guard as of 1 January concerns the succession of Henk Pijlman. He is handing over his seat on the Supervisory Board on behalf of Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen to Dick Pouwels (52), Chair of the Executive Board of Hanze UAS.
As from 1 January, the full Supervisory Board will consist of Wilma Mansveld (chair), Ulco Vermeulen, Peter den Oudsten, Jouke de Vries and Dick Pouwels.