SMILE2MATCH event Thessaloniki

New Energy Coalition is glad to invite you for the SMILE2MATCH event taking place on the 4th of July at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) In order to further promote and support tailor-made clean energy transitions for islands. The event is jointly organized by the Smart Islands Energy System (SMILE) project partners, the Enterprise Europe Network host organizations New Energy Coalition (Stichting Energy Valley) and PRAXI Network.
The event aims to generate (international) business, foster R&D partnerships for relevant H2020 calls and technological collaborations on innovative energy technologies. Participants from multiple European countries are expected to be present.
The program for the day will cover the importance of islands in the energy transition and introduce the SMILE project. This will be followed by three hours of matchmaking sessions lasting 20 min. each, giving every participant the opportunity to have nine meetings in total to explore and initiate new collaborations. If you want to expand your knowledge and make new international business contacts then make sure to register for the SMILE2MATCH event as soon as possible.
In case of any enquiries & questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Funda C. Ertem-Kappler, Jannes Kalfsbeek or Christiana Siambekou