Looking back at a successful partner day in Noord-Holland Noord

In recent years, the number of New Energy Coalition partners in North Holland North has grown substantially. Den Helder, Alkmaar, Hollands Kroon, Provincie Noord-Holland and ‘Ontwikkelinsbedrijf Noord-Holland Noord’ are now valued partners. To strengthen ties with these partners, as well as other collaborative partners, New Energy Coalition organized a partner day. Besides strengthening ties, the goal was also to give an impression of New Energy Coalition’s activities in the region.
During the day-long program, participants toured the three clusters in the region: Alkmaar, Wieringermeer and Den Helder. At each location, we zoomed in on local initiatives that contribute to energy transition in North Holland North.
Thema 1: Verduurzaming bedrijventerreinen en groengas cluster
The day began at Expertisecenter InVesta with welcoming remarks by Marieke Abbink – CEO of New Energy Coalition and Alderman Christian Schouten of the municipality of Alkmaar.
Frank Brandsen presented the New Energy Coalition area vision for the Alkmaar region. The focus in this region is on green molecules, smart energy systems and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. Port area project leader Rik Duijn took attendees through the development of a virtual local energy system in the Boekelermeer port area. The morning concluded with a presentation and tour of InVesta and the Energy Innovation Park Alkmaar.
Theme 2: System integration and sustainability of agriculture and greenhouse farming
By bus, we traveled on to ECW, where attendees were welcomed by Hollands Kroon municipality alderman Robert Leever. During the lunch presentation, the development of ECW Energy at Agriport A7 was explained, here the further development of the energy hub (consisting of multiple sustainable energy carriers) is central as an opportunity to create sustainable synergies between the existing data centers, greenhouse horticulture and environment. Furthermore, the NEC area vision for the Hollands Kroon region was explained, describing the linking opportunities between the Agriport A7, the HYGRO hydrogen mill and the Agrifieldlab. Also, Jeroen Noot, program manager for Greenport North Holland North presented the Agrifieldlab Hydrogen, where all parties involved will gain knowledge about introducing and applying hydrogen in the agricultural sector. To conclude, the Area Vision Energy Agriport A7, prepared by ECW Energy and Greenport Noord-Holland Noord, was handed over to the alderman of Hollands Kroon.
Theme 3: Offshore energy hub and pivot in the energy transition
The next destination was Den Helder, where attendees were welcomed to the Maritime Emerging Technologies Innovation Park (METIP) by program manager Paul Verbruggen and Den Helder City Councilmember Peter van Diepen. Followed by an insightful session on the vision for the Den Helder region by NEC, with a central role for the Port of Den Helder and great opportunities in harvesting large amounts of energy from the North Sea. NAM concluded with developments around the H2Gateway project, after which there was room for a tour of METIP’s innovation hall.
Back to Alkmaar by bus, where the day ended with networking drinks and participants had the opportunity to share experiences and make new connections. All in all, it was a full day of knowledge sharing, innovation and strengthening collaborations towards a sustainable future. We would like to thank all partners for their participation and contribution to this successful day.
Fotografie door: Kenneth Stamp