Peter den Oudsten joins Supervisory Board of New Energy Coalition

As per 1 January, 2021 Peter den Oudsten (69) has been appointed member of the Supervisory Board of New Energy Coalition. He succeeds Joop Volkers, who will step down as of that date. Den Oudsten was mayor of the city of Groningen from 2015 to 2019, and before that of Meppel and Enschede. Last year he was acting mayor of Utrecht.
‘Den Oudsten has a lot of administrative experience and has always had to operate on a broad administrative level in large public organisations. As mayor of Groningen, he closely witnessed the formation of New Energy Coalition. He also brought the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA – climate centre) to Groningen. He is an asset to us.
- Max van den Berg | Chairman Supervisory Board
Besides Van den Berg, Ulco Vermeulen, Henk Pijlman and Jouke de Vries are members of the Supervisory Board of New Energy Coalition.