InCUBE: sustainable renovation in Europe

In July 2022 the InCUBE project was officially launched. The kick-off took place at the Centre of Research and Technology Hellas in Thessaloniki, Greece. The project will run for 4 years.
InCUBE brings together 23 high-profile partners and two affiliated entities from 7 European countries. The project is funded by the European Union’s ‘Horizon Europe Research & Innovation programme’.
InCUBE envisions to unlock the EU renovation wave through cutting-edge standardized, lean integrated processes based on industrialization, innovative self-RES power producing and storage technologies, digitalization and new market entrants. The InCUBE solutions will be validated in 3 large-scale demo sites: Zaragoza (ES), Trento (IT) and Groningen (NL).
In this project New Energy Coalition is project leader for ‘Communication, dissemination & exploitation’. In addition we support the Dutch demo site in Groningen and the upskilling of future workforce.
The InCUBE consortium: Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), KentyouI, ITeC – Institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció, REHVA, LAMA Impresa Sociale , Comune di Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK, RINA, K-FLEX_WORLDWIDE, Tegola Canadese, Tera srl, Evolvere S.p.A., Eneren S.r.l. Zaragoza Vivienda, CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico, metro7 _ edificación singular y construcción sostenible, Abora Solar, KOVER SIGLO XXI, EDP Solar, Van Wijnen Groningen B.V., Lefier, New Energy Coalition, WEBO