Network Meeting ‘Emission-free yards and municipal works’

German-Dutch network project to reduce emissions for construction sites in Lingen (D) and Gemeentewerken Emmen (NL).
Emission-free construction sites
Topic is the German-Dutch network project for reducing emissions for the construction sites in Lingen (D) and Gemeentewerken Emmen (NL). The result should be a practice-oriented strategy to make the construction sites CO2-neutral in the long term. The construction sites will be analysed for the benefit of other companies in the public construction sector.
The overarching project objectives are, on the one hand, to strengthen cross-border cooperation in the public sector and set up an interdisciplinary, cross-border network of stakeholders. In addition, the general framework conditions (legal, political and local) will be systematically established and the results will be transferred to other construction sites and other public sector companies in general.
When & where
Date: Thursday 11 April 2024
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 h (followed by network drinks)
Location: Gemeentewerf Emmen, Handelsweg 1, 7826 TC Emmen/NL
More info / contact
For more information please contact Ingrid Klinge