Breakthrough CO2 capture in ConsenCUS project

A milestone in ConsenCUS: at the Aalborg Portland cement plant (Denmark), the first CO2 was captured with the electrochemical CO2 capture plant realised by the project.

This week, the ConsenCUS project achieved a fantastic milestone: at the Aalborg Portland (DK) cement plant, it succeeded in capturing the first CO2 with the electrochemical CO2 capture plant realised by the project.
The custom-made electrochemical ‘stacks’ being demonstrated have not been used on this scale for this application before. It is ‘cold CO2 capture’ and that is just the beginning. The final technical obstacles were tackled on site by a team consisting of WETSUS postdoc Sara Vallejo Castaño, DTU process engineers István Györbiró and Magor Demeter and Ammongas chief engineer Tim Nærvig.
About ConsenCUS
ConsenCUS is a 4-year innovation and demonstration project of which New Energy Coalition is project leader. The aim is to demonstrate an innovative technique for CO2 capture at plants that are difficult to make sustainable, using only electricity.
The EU has set a clear goal to combat climate change: a climate-neutral industry by 2050. For several crucial industries in the EU, this means capturing, using and/or storing the CO2 they emit. ConsenCUS aims to provide an industrial roadmap to a carbon-neutral future through “carbon-neutral clusters through electricity-based innovations in capture, use and storage”.
ConsenCUS presents applied innovations by integrating a demonstration unit into large cement, magnesia and oil refining plants.
Find more information on the ConsenCUS-website
More information
For more information about the project, contact colleague Dirk Koppert: